HVAC Winter Maintenance for Homeowners: 12 Things to Do

June 26, 2024

When winter approaches, it’s time to switch from your warm weather air conditioning to heat. Before relatives descend upon your home this holiday season, inspect your home’s heating system to ensure it’s running efficiently and safely after its long hibernation through the hot summer months. 

Regular HVAC winter maintenance could greatly benefit your home when done correctly. We’ve compiled a list of HVAC maintenance benefits you can expect and 12 steps from the YES! experts to improve the comfort inside your home this season.

Why is HVAC Winter Maintenance Essential?

While some may think annual HVAC maintenance is unnecessary in warmer climates because extreme weather conditions don’t usually apply, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Any home, no matter the location or climate, is one of your most significant investments, so it’s essential to maintain your home’s HVAC system properly. 

When you take time to prep for cold weather, you’ll see benefits like these:

  • A longer HVAC system lifespan 

  • Improved comfort with maintainable temperatures

  • Lower energy bills with no HVAC system leaks or damages

  • Reduced repair costs because of preventative maintenance

You know why HVAC maintenance is needed; now it's a question of how you can do it.

Prep Your Home with These 12 Winter HVAC Maintenance Tips

It’s essential to remember that your HVAC system needs attention before the temperatures really drop. First-time homeowners often forget that winter maintenance tasks are necessary to protect the home and eliminate the need for repairs. Here are a few things you can do to ensure your system is ready for upcoming cold nights.

1. Check the Air Filters

Be sure to clean or replace your HVAC system’s filters between 30 and 90 days, depending on the environment and home size. Changing filters helps keep your air clean and your system running efficiently. Filters can accumulate dust and pathogens, so you should change them regularly.

2. Clear Debris from Around Your Furnace

If something is flammable, don’t store it near your furnace. Avoid safety risks in your home by keeping your furnace’s surrounding areas clean. Never use your furnace room for storage.

3. Have a Professional Check Your System

Without regular cleaning and inspection, your heating and air conditioning system can wear down prematurely. The last thing you want is for your system to break down when you need it most. 

Call a certified HVAC technician at YES! to ensure everything is in order and that your home’s heating system can handle the cold. Sign up for one of our maintenance plans to give your system regular, preventative care. Our plans will provide you with peace of mind that your system will work reliably.

4. Clean the HVAC Ducts

Ducts are used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) to deliver and remove air from each room. It’s essential to clean your unit’s air and heating ducts regularly (or have YES! clean them). 

If your family is sensitive to dust and pet dander, duct cleaning could be even more critical for the times of year when you run your furnace more often.

5. Prepare Your Windows

If winter gusts bring a steely chill to your room, it may mean your windows need sealing. Without properly sealed windows, you could be letting out precious heated air, forcing your unit to work overtime to keep your home comfortable. Apply a weather-sealing strip or chat with your local window professional for solutions.

6. Use a Programmable Thermostat

If you have an older thermostat, consider replacing it with a programmable unit. With a Wi-Fi thermostat, you can lower the heat remotely so your system gets a rest. 

These types of thermostats' high-tech tools can save you from higher energy bills overall. They can be programmed from anywhere (including the warmth of your bed) during the cold winter months. If you’re unsure how to install, repair, or choose a new thermostat, YES! can help you. Call us at 844-216-9300.

7. Inspect Your Roof

Many people don't realize when their roof sustains damage during the year that allows air to escape from the home. Before every cold season, you should inspect your roof thoroughly to ensure everything is in order and your HVAC system doesn’t have to work extra because of leaks.

8. Clean Air Vents and Ducts

Your outdoor and indoor vents need proper cleaning to ensure nothing blocks them. Ensure interior vents aren't blocked by bulky furniture, blankets, rugs, or anything else preventing air from flowing as it should. 

Clear the area around your outdoor vents to ensure fresh air intake isn't blocked. If you live in a heavy snowfall area, you may need to clear the area around outdoor vents after every storm.

9. Change Thermostat Batteries

Many thermostats run on battery power. When batteries die, the thermostat can’t control the HVAC system, which could lead to overheating or other serious issues. Replacing batteries at the beginning of the cold season will help keep your home safe and comfortable.

10. Watch for Changes in Your Energy Bill

Your energy bill is often a great clue alerting you to precious air escaping somewhere. Look for unexpected billing spikes, telling you it's time to search for a leak.

11. Clean Your Blower Fan and Compressor

If you didn’t use the HVAC system much during the warm months, it probably accumulated dust and debris you wouldn't want to blow into your home. Before turning the heat on, clean fans and compressors so you don't get a blast of thick dust along with your warm air.

12. Cover the Outdoor AC Unit

Winter weather means you won’t need your AC running until warm weather returns. An excellent way to protect your air system from future repairs and maintenance is to cover the outdoor AC condenser while not in use. You can use a tarp or purchase a special cover to keep things safe and sealed until you need cold air circulating again.

Let YES! Help You Prepare Your HVAC Unit for Winter

In desert states like Utah and Nevada, you may think these extreme weather conditions don’t apply to you and your home, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Your home is one of your biggest investments, and it’s important to make sure your home’s HVAC system is properly maintained to ensure its longevity.

When you feel that fall chill in the air, it's a sign that your heating system is ready for its winter HVAC maintenance. Do what you can on your own, but don’t hesitate to get your system checked by a professional before major seasonal changes roll through.

YES! can help when you need repairs, routine maintenance, or even replacement to your existing HVAC system. If you have questions about preparing your heating system for seasonal changes or want to schedule a checkup from a trusted professional, call YES! Air Conditioning & Heating at 844-216-9300 to learn more or visit us online.

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Last Updated: March 25, 2025